Rafting on the Naranjo River


Whitewater rafting at the Naranjo River in Manuel Antonio National Park will definitely thrill the nerves of those who try it. Not just that, as you traverse along the rapids of the river, you’ll also get the chance to enjoy the beauty of nature with a scenic backdrop.

Usually, trip adventure packages are a half-day activity starting from a steep drop from Costa Rican Mountains above Quepos, all through jungle gorges. After a nature-trip ride through the jungle, next is a nerve-breaking one as you wind around rocks and then will take you back to sea level waters. 

The Naranjo River runs not only through jungle and mountains, but also through farmlands and plantations. See, here you’ll not just enjoy the wonders of Costa Rican water bodies but the landscapes as well. The combination of whitewater rapids, the sky and canton walls that meet the water is perfect for a day.

Who are allowed to ‘paddle’ in Naranjo?

Well in fact, not everyone will be allowed to take his trip on the Naranjo River. First and foremost, no pregnant women are allowed to step on the boat, and even those with physical health problems that can be triggered by rush. Whitewater rafting is highly recommended for experienced and trained rafters who are used with Class III and IV rapids. While it is perfect for trained paddlers, first timers who are ready for such a challenge are also welcomed.  Some tour packages have their age limit set on children at least 8 years old. There’s nothing to worry about safety because bilingual and professional kayakers will accompany you throughout the tour.

When is the best time to raft? 

Mostly, it is preferred that you go on rafting at Naranjo during the rainy season, from April to December. This is the time when the river boasts its Class IV rapids.

What are the things I must bring?

Since rafting will definitely make you wet, it is recommended that you wear clothes that allows free movement and at the same time, easy to dry. You can wear shorts or long pants depending on your preference. The most suitable footwear is a pair of sandals with a back strap or even sneakers. You must also bring sunscreen lotion, towel, and extra clothes. Lastly, never forget your waterproof camera to capture all the memories.

Image credits: naturespecialist.com

How Can we Save the Rainforest

Why is it that we need to save the rainforest? Simply because we are the main culprit that lead it to its pitiful condition in the present. Nothing to worry about, we can still do something about it. Here are some friendly suggestions that when followed by many will definitely create a big difference.

Reduce paper and wood consumption. We all know that paper comes from trees you can help reduce the pressure on our remaining forests by taking simple steps to reduce wood and paper consumption. Avoid disposable paper plates and cup, use both sides of each piece of paper, use cloth napkins and towels, and use your own cloth bags at grocery store.

Always consider when buying paper products, choose products with the highest percentage of recycled content. Choose tree-free paper alternatives if possible. Tree-free paper is made from agricultural products like waste straw, hemp and kenaf.

Reduce oil consumption. Although oil is currently used to drive cars, fly planes, operate factories, and warm our homes, we really don’t have to use oil to run these things. Try to use some alternative resources like the sun and the wind to make energy. Light and heat from the sun can be used to make solar power and windmills to capture the power of the wind. The sun and wind are great resources of energy because they don’t destroy the rainforests or pollute the planet. And it doesn’t mean that we can stand alone without the use of oil. But by reducing the use of oil in our daily lives we can make a big difference to help the rainforest. Instead of using cars everywhere, we can walk or ride our bikes and take local mass transportation whenever possible.

Change your diet. It is important to know that eating a plant-based diet is the best thing you can do for the environment. Vegetables, nuts, fruits and whole grains are the healthiest way to eat. This means that they came from the rainforest without harming the trees, plants, and animals or people that live there. We all need food to survive. And in a positive way, rainforest-friendly choices about what we can eat can help the rainforests survive as well.

Don't buy products made from endangered species of plants or animals. Through simple things we can help to save our environment. Avoid buying products made from endangered species of plants and animals, if you’re not sure about you’re buying, ask the merchant or call an organization like the World Wildlife Fund to find out. Also avoid buying exotic pets from pet store. 

Educate yourself and others. Rainforests are enchanting places that are important to every living thing on Earth. Whether we live in the cities, mountains, country, or deserts, rainforests affects all of us. And through our own hands we can help save our rainforests. Not for the sake of ourselves but also for the animals living in our rainforests.    

Image credits:  guardian.co.uk

Frequently Asked Questions When You Try Zip line

When you’re trying anything for the first time, it is usual for you to have several questions running on your mind. 

Just like trying to ride a zip line that you have never tried before, you might be filled with a lot of questions in mind waiting to be answered. There’s nothing wrong with asking, you’re just exploring the realms that you will encounter and acquainting yourself to the ride. In here, we have listed some of the most asked questions about riding a zip line and ready answers that will most likely help you:

First and foremost, is zip lining safe?

 Before deciding when and where you would like to have your first zip line ride, it is necessary that you will research on the credibility and safety of the zip line. Usually, zip line courses are built to meet certain standards in the industry, and often, even before opening the course to people, the cables are tested to hold maximum weight that it can carry. Check also if the company is an active member of any Zip Line Association to assure the safety of the course. What we’re telling is that, in the end, the real judgment on whether you will be safe or not depends on how well you know the zip line company and how obedient you are to their safety guidelines.

Is it suited for people with fear of heights?

Many people with the same condition have testified that zip lining is a good way to overcome this fear. In fact, they have said that it was not that trembling as they have expected. Anyway, I think there would be no zip line company that will neglect the safety of the tourists. Zip lining is a perfect way to enjoy heights.

What are the health restrictions?

Yes, not everyone is permitted to try zip lining. There are certain health conditions that need doctors’ advice regarding zip lines. Of course pregnant women are not advised to ride a zip line. Other health concerns would be persons suffering from hypertension and other heart conditions, history of seizures, back issues and dizziness. For the safety of everyone, it is better to follow the advice of the professionals.

What attire to wear/ what are the things I should bring?

It is highly suggested to wear closed shoes instead of sandals or slippers and comfortable shirt and pants. The best thing to bring is a camera of course with a strap to capture the experience, and money to tip your guides if you wish to. It is not advisable to bring a lot of baggage for there are zip line sites that do not have storage facilities.

Image credits: princeville.com